Tuesday, January 29, 2008

You know when you just think 'Oh FFS'

I've just had one of those moments thanks to an article on Chaotic Java (if you're interested in Java then have a look through the archives as it's all gold). Anyway the article is about Java GC & there was a section about using object reference queues instead of a finalize block (a good idea anyway) and there was a line:

I made NativeImage and Image implement Closeable, a new interface in Java 5 for IO classes that need to be closed.

What?!? There's a ... a ... interface called Closeable. Oh yes there is introduced in Java 1.5 and it's been added to just about every IO class. Wish I had know about that before writing the same try finally block for Readers, Writers, InputStreams & OutputStreams. I know it's a case of 20 lines instead of 3 but it seems annoying. I wonder how many more of these interfaces there are in Java 5 & 6 that could have saved me a few more lines of code. 

Oh well

Monday, January 28, 2008

A less sucky Maven; yes please!

Don Brown has posted an article detailing his grips about Maven2 (for those who do not know Maven is a decent Java build tool but is a bit XML happy). Anyway rather than people like me (who moan but twiddle their thumbs) Don has gone & done something about it.

I can't wait for some of these other fixes coming through especially the one concerning making it easier to write plugins. Do that & I'll be very tempted to write an equivalent to assembly that lets you create deployment tarballs.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wow is this my blog?

Has it been that long since I decided to do a blog? Bleedin' heck. What is more worrying is that I've decided that I should start it up again; is it really "starting it up again" if I never really started?

Hopefully it won't be another 2 years until I do my next post (I'm really hoping that it'll only be a few days). Anyway see you all soon whoever you are ... why are you reading this rubbish unless you're a friend and about to take the mick out of me; oh that'll be a nice change